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The Steel structure industry is today one of the fundamental industries in construction. As a by-product of the active implementation of the industrial policy, coupled with the rapid development of the steel industry, such has inspired the process of urban modernization beginning with the creation of the Petronas Twin Towers, undoubtedly Malaysia’s best known and loved landmark.

This paints a beautiful picture of urban modernization, from the beginning of light steel works, which cast the steel structure industry into the limelight and cemented its position as being a vital part of the construction industry’s future. We are privileged to be part of this by supplying steel bolts, shear studs, couplers and other precision products and standard and non-standard fastener products and accessories.

Productivity and efficiency can be achieved only step by step via sustainable and consistent hard work, relentless attention to detail and insistence upon the highest standard of quality and performance. We consistently adhere to the quality first requirement, in keeping with product quality requirements, in full accordance with the specifications, in supplying products and providing services. We have won the support of manufacturers as well as the engineering business community’s trust, thereby establishing and proving our professional brand and reputation.

In view of the high technical requirements the use of shear studs and couplers entail, we have trained a number of highly skilled teams to provide such services. In previous decades, we have supplied and participated in several construction projects, by;

Current Project

Signature Tower, Jimah Powerplant, Pengerang RAPID Project.

Past Project

Astaka, Bukit Jalil Stadium, Forest City, Pavilion Elite, MYTOWN Kuala Lumpur, Xiamen University Malaysia Campus, Manjung Powerplant.

Participating in the construction, effectively assisting in solving various problems faced by the construction industry while at the same time giving technical guidance.

钢铁工业是国家 工业的基础。随着工业政策的积极推行,钢铁工业的高度发展,激励和鼓舞着城市现代化的建设進程.从双峰塔(吉隆坡地标)的创建,我们从中清楚、明确地看到了城市现代化的美丽图景;从轻快铁宏伟 工程的啓动,带来了钢铁结構工程全面蓬勃开发的前程,我们有幸适逢其会,参与其中,供应钢结构螺栓、剪力钉、套筒等精密产品以及标准与非标紧固件产品与配件。由于我们一贯坚持品质至上,对产品质量要求严格,完全依照规格标准,提供产品和服务,赢得制造厂商的支持,深得工程企业界的信赖,建立了我们的專业品牌与信誉。
